Master Yang Ming Jiang, with a family name Ying Jiang (应江), was born on May 18, 1943 in Yang Ting County (盐亭县) of Sichuan. Legend has it that when he was born, the earth moved; so he was also named as Dong Sheng (动生). He has been a follower of Taoism since youth; and when the time came, in September 1989, Master Yang became a Taoist in Gao Feng Mountain Taoist Temple (高峰山道观) in Peng Xi (蓬溪) and took the Taoist name of Ming Jiang (明江). He was the 20th-generation of the Long Men Sect (龙门派) in the Quan Zhen Order (全真) of Taoism, and is the disciple of another great master called Fu Yuan Tian (傅圆天). In 1990, Master Yang started to practice Taoism in Fei Xian Taoist Temple (飞仙观) of Qing Cheng Mountain (青城山). In 1991, he was in charge of Shang Yuan Gong (上元宫) in Chong Zhou City (崇州); in September 1993, he was appointed by Master Fu to become the High Priest of He Ming Mountain Taoist Temple in Da Yi County (大邑县). In 1995, he attended the“San Tan Da Jie” (三坛大戒) in Xuan Du Altar (玄都律坛) of Tian Shi Cave (天师洞) in Qing Cheng Mountain – a Taoist ritual for accepting 1,040 rules to guide his behavior and thinking; his Taoist title is Li Min Zi (利民子).

Master Yang always says, “First we need to be a good man, then we talk about further cultivation. But how to be a good man? It is just like water, one can use it either for cooking rice or for washing his feet; water can be vaporized and it can also be frozen as ice." Simple words as these may be, yet they exemplify the humblest expression of the phrase “Shang Shan Ruo Shui” (上善若水) - water is considered an aspect of agility and purity, it takes on the form it is held and moves along in least resistance; it speaks of a higher wisdom one may aspire to acquire.

He Ming Mountain is the home of Taoism. During the Cultural Revolution, the only remaining structures were a temple and a washroom. Master Yang,together with other dedicated followers, upheld the Taoist tradition, and worked hard on forestry so as to support themselves through those times of scarcity. Throughout the years, a cluster of buildings were constructed namely, Ying Xian Ge (迎仙阁), San Qing Temple (三清殿), Tian Shi Temple (天师殿), Dou Mu Temple (斗母殿), Wu Zu Temple (五祖殿), Yu Huang Temple (玉皇殿), Ci Hang Temple (慈航殿), Qing Xin Tea Room (清心茶园),Qian Dao Dormitory (乾道楼), Kun Dao Dormitory (坤道楼), Shuang He Dormitory (双鹤楼) as well as other administrative buildings.

In 2004, Master Yang also started a quarterly publication known as Dao Yuan《道源》in Sichuan, a journal for exploring Taoism from multiple perspectives. To date, there are more than fifty issues of journals published. He is also devoted to the development of Taoism in China by providing education for successors. In Sichuan, many famous Taoists are Master Yang’s students. Someone commented that since he possesses the virtues of “water”, his merits make He Ming Mountain glow in its original glory. Master Yang is also an expert on Taoist ceremonies. His knowledge and expertise came mainly from two great masters—Jiang Zhi Lin (江至霖) and Zhang Yuan Tang (张元堂). He has been invited to visit Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan as well as other foreign Taoist temples to demonstrate the rites and rituals for the benefit of mankind and for the comforting of the dearly departed. Under his leadership, four Taoist temples in Da Yi County of Sichuan were also reopened to the public, including Chuan Wang Gong (川王宫), Qian Fo Shan (千佛山), Xiang Lu Shan (香炉山) and Xian Tai Shan (仙台山). In September 2002, Master Yang was selected as a member of the board of directors for the China Taoist Association, the vice-chairman of Sichuan Taoist Association, and the Chairman of the Information Bureau of the Chengdu Taoist Association.