San Qing Dian在迎仙阁斗姆殿后。
San Qing Dian is a temple located behind Dou Mu Temple (斗母殿).
The Temple was built under the kind donation from Master Lau Cong Fei(刘松飞观主)of Hong Kong Fei Ngan Tong (香港飞雁洞), a Taoist temple based in Hong Kong. Construction work took nineteen months, started in December 1994 and completed in June 1996, with a total floor space of 754 square meters. Upon completion, three deities were worshipped here, namely, Tai Shang Lao Jun (老君), San Feng (三丰) and Chun Yang (吕祖). In 2012, San Sheng Gong was renamed as San Qing Dian (三清殿); relocation and expansion plans were carried out. The original site came to house the Three Pure Ones (三清道祖) namely, “Tai Qing Dao De Tian Zun” (太清道德天尊), “Shang Qing Ling Bao Tian Zun” (上清灵宝天尊) and “Yu Qing Yuan Shi Tian Zun” (玉清元始天尊). The sculptures of San Feng and Lu Zu from the previous site were then relocated to adjacent temples to the current San Qing Dian.

San Qing Dao Zu
Yu Qing Yuan Shi Tian Zun三界之上,梵炁弥罗,上极无上,天中之天。郁罗萧台,玉山上京。渺渺金阙,森罗净泓。玄元一炁,混沌之先。宝珠之中,玄之又玄。开明三景,化生诸天。亿万天真,无鞅数众。旋斗历箕,回度五常。巍巍大范,万道之宗。大罗玉清,虚无自然。至真妙道,元始天尊。

Shang Qing Ling Bao Tian Zun居上清境,号灵宝君。祖劫化生,九万九千余梵炁。赤书焕发,六百六十八真文。因混沌赤文而开九霄,纪元洞玉历而分五劫。天经地纬,巍乎造化之宗。枢阴机阳,卓尔雷霆之祖。大悲大愿,大圣大慈。玉宸道君,灵宝天尊。

Tai Qing Dao De Tian Zun随方设教,历劫度人。为皇者师,帝者师,王者师,假名易号。立天之道,地之道,人之道,隐圣显凡。总千二百之官君,包万亿重之梵炁。化行今古,着道德凡五千言。主握阴阳,命雷霆用九五数。大悲大愿,大圣大慈,太上老君,道德天尊。