素面须髯,建上清灵明冠,衷袍端坐,外服离尘青玉锦氅,束七宝带,手摇太极神扇。道德天尊又称太上老君、神宝君。老子即为太上老君所化。《史记·老庄申韩列传》谓:“老子者,楚苦县厉乡曲仁里人也……姓李,名耳,字伯阳,谥曰聃,周守藏室史也……老子修道德,其学以自隐无名为务。居周久之,见周衰,乃遂去。至关,关令尹喜曰:‘子将隐之,强为我著书。’于是老子乃著书上下篇,言道德之意五千言而去,莫知其所终。”东汉时,老子已享祠祀,王阜《圣母碑》说:“老子道也,乃生于无形,起于太初之前,行于太素之元,浮游六极,出入幽冥。”《关韶老子铭》:“老子道化身化,蝉蜕度世,自羲农以来,迭为圣者师。”汉桓帝曾派人到苦县祀老子,并在宫内立黄老、浮厝之祠。祖天师张道陵在四川大邑鹤鸣山创立道教时,在《老子想尔注》中谓:“道者一也, 一收则成怎,聚形为太上老君,常治昆仑。”《老子内传》:“太上老君,姓李名耳,字伯阳,一名重耳, 楚国苦县曲仁里人也。其母见日精下落如流星,飞入口中,因有娠,怀之七十二岁,于陈国涡水李树下掊左腋而生,指李树日: “此为我姓。’生而白首,故号老子。耳有三漏,又号老聃。顶有日光,身滋白血,面凝金色,舌络锦文,形长一丈二尺,齿有四十八。受元君神图宝章变化之方……《犹龙传》谓:三皇五帝以来,老子用不同名号为历代帝王之师,神农时为太成子,轩辕时为广成子,帝尧时为务成子,秦汉时为河上公,均为老君化身。道教在唐代最为鼎盛,皇室奉老子为族祖,奉道教为“本朝家教”,因此老子受到尊崇,唐高宗干封元年(666年)诰封为“太上玄元皇帝”,唐玄宗天宝十三年上尊号为 “大圣祖高尚大道 金阙玄元天皇大帝”。宋真宗大中祥符年间又加徽号为“太上老君混元上帝皇帝”。这也是太上老君被称为混元祖师的由来。道德天尊的诞辰为二月十五。
Three statues of bronze gilt are erected to the deities, located inside San Sheng Gong
San Qing, also named as the Three Pure Ones, are the most honourable deities in Taoism. These deities include Yu Qing Yuan Shi Tian Zun (玉清元始天尊), Shang Qing Ling Bao Tian Zun (上清灵宝天尊) and Tai Qing Dao De Tian Zun (太清道德天尊). The trinity is the manifestation of the “Three One” Theory of Tao. In the 42nd chapter of Taoist classic Dao De Jing (道德经), it was said that “Tao produced One, One produced Two, Two produced Three and Three produced All Things. All Things carry Yin and Yang, when these two are well integrated, that is harmony.” In the 14th chapter, Tao was also described as an essence “Looked at but cannot be seen; Listened to but cannot be heard; Reached for but cannot be obtained. These three senses cannot be analysed, but they mingle and act as one.”
It is believed that San Qing is the manifestation of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, who comes into being at the beginning of Jing Qi (精气) and resides in Da Luo Tian (大罗天). He is eternal, limitless and formless. He was incarnated into two other deities namely Ling Bao Tian Zun during the time of Tai Shi (太始) - a state of the beginning of “form”, and Dao De Tian Zun during the time of Tai Su (太素) - a state of the beginning of “substance”.