Tian Shi Dian 位于鹤鸣山,始建无考,明左翘《鹤鸣观记》自注云:“紫阳殿创于汉征士张道陵,太清宫、天师殿创亦同时。”
This is the temple built for the Celestial Master Zhang Dao Ling (张道陵天师). It is unknown when the original temple was built; the rough estimate was in the Han Dynasty, around when the temple of Tai Qing Gong was also being built.

Tian Shi Dian 今重建天师殿二。
Today, there are two Tian Shi Temples in He Ming Mountain:
The first one is located behind San Sheng Gong, with a floor space of 343 square meters. This brick-and-wood structure was donated by Mr. Li Yao Heng (李耀亨), the Managing Director of Tian Yi Group (天一集团). Three stone sculptures for worship were erected respectively for the Celestial Master Zhang Dao Ling, Wang Chang (王长) and Zhao Sheng (赵升).

Tian Shi Dian二在道源圣城灵祖殿后,称祖天师殿。水泥仿汉代建筑,天师像由纯铜锻造贴真金箔制作而成,像高八米五,通体华丽,宝像庄严。
The second temple is located in Dao Yuan Sheng Cheng (道源圣城), behind Ling Zu Temple (灵祖殿). Inside this solemn and magnificent cement structure, is a bronze statue with gold gilt of 8.5 meters erected to Master Zhang Dao Ling.

Zu Tian Shi
Wang Chang
Zhao Sheng