Zhao Sheng真人赵升,号鹿堂子。不知何所人也。始,张正一真人在蜀,升不远千里而来,愿执弟子礼。真人试以难者七事,而升终始如一。第七试因取桃,同王长投谷中,见真人坐琼床宝帐,遂拜授神丹宝经。后事真人功行满备,白日升天。
Zhao Sheng was one of the major followers of Zhang Dao Ling. When Zhang was in Sichuan, Zhao Sheng travelled long distance for meeting this master. Zhang tested Zhao with seven difficult problems and found that Zhao was firm and consistent. Later when Zhao had achieved enough accomplishments, he rose to heaven and became a deity.