Yu Huang Dian位于鹤鸣山,始建无考。由广大信众募捐善款修建,建筑面积为二百平方米,2016年动工,历时年余,至2017年5月竣工,砖木建构,重檐歇山式,供金丝楠坐像玉皇大天尊,陪祀金童、玉女。
Located behind Tian Shi Dian, Yu Huang Dian is a brick-and-wood structure with a gable roof and flying eaves. This temple takes up a total floor space of 200 square meters. The construction started in 2016 and was completed in May 2017. It houses a nanmu wood statue of Yu Huang Da Tian Zun (玉皇大天尊), or commonly known as the Jade Emperor; and he was being escorted by Jin Tong (金童) and Yu Nu (玉女).

Yu Huang Da Di