
Yu Huang Da Di


The statue is made of gold phoebe nanmu located in Yu Huang Temple


Yu Huang Da Di


(Also known as: The Jade Emperor, Yu Huang)
Yu Huang Da Di, commonly known as the Jade Emperor, is another manifestation of Yuan Shi Tian Zun (元始天尊) and is regarded as the highest deity in Tai Ji (太极). In Taoist scriptures, it was mentioned that Yu Huang Dai Di resided in Hao Tian Jin Que (昊天金阙), the Heaven of Mi Luo (弥罗). He has a solemn look; ruled over different heavens, led all the saints and deities, governed the universe and created the cosmos. He enforced the heavenly rules of God, rewarded the virtues, created and protected all the beings. In 1105 A.D., this deity got his formal title conferred by Emperor Zhen Zong of Song Dynasty (宋真宗) as “Tai Shang Kai Tian Zhi Fu Yu Li Han Zhen Ti Dao Yu Huang Da Tian Di” (太上开天执符御历含真体道玉皇大天帝). Later in 1116 A.D., Emperor Hui Zong (宋徽宗) changed the deity’s title to “Tai Shang Kai Tian Zhi Fu Yu Li Han Zhen Ti Dao Hao Tian Yu Huang Shang Di” (太上开天执符御历含真体道昊天玉皇上帝). He has almighty power over San Jie (三界) - the heaven, the earth and the water; over Shi Fang (十方) – East, South, West, North, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest, Up and Down; over Si Sheng (四生) – viviparous (胎生), oviparous (卵生), wet birth (湿生) and metaplasia (化生); and also over Liu Dao (六道) – Heaven (天), Human (人), Ashura (阿修罗), Hell (地狱), Animals (畜生), and Hungry Ghosts (饿鬼).


Yu Huang

太上弥罗无上天,妙有玄真境。渺渺紫金阙,太微玉清宫。无极无上圣,廓落发光明。寂寂浩无宗, 玄范总十方。湛寂真常道,恢漠大神通。玉皇大天尊,玄穹高上帝。