Qing Long Shen Jun泥塑彩绘,身披金甲,一手持长戟,一手绕青龙。道教东方七宿星君四象之一。为二十八宿的东方七宿(角、亢、氐、房、心、尾、箕)。其行象龙,位于东方,属木,色青,总称青龙,又名苍龙。青龙主文字、财帛、舟车、林木、衣服、书契、官府、升迁、僧道、高人、婚姻、喜庆、胎产、宴会、国药之属。《太上黄箓斋仪》卷四十四称青龙东斗星君为:“角宿天门星君,亢宿天庭星君,氐宿天府星君,房宿天驷星君,心宿天王星君,尾宿天鸡星君,箕宿天律星君。”至于其形象,《道门通教必用集》卷七云:“东方龙角亢之精,吐云郁气,喊雷发声,飞翔八极,周游四冥,来立吾左。”此外,道教还将其用于炼丹术语,如《云笈七籖》卷七十二引《古经》四神之丹称:“青龙者,东方甲乙木水银也,澄之不清,搅之不浊,近不可取,远不可舍,潜藏变化无尽,故言龙也。”
This is a colored clay sculpture, dressed in suits of golden armour, holding in one hand a long dagger-axe, while in the other a dragon.
Qing Long originated from the worship of twenty-eight ancient stars and is the Deity of the Eastern Seven Stars, which included Jiao (角), Kang (亢), Di (氐), Fang (房), Xin (心), Wei (尾), Ji (箕). These stars resemble the image of a dragon, have green color, belong to wood within the Five Elements, and are also collectively named as the Green Dragon.
Qing Long is a deity responsible for written language, wealth, transportation, forestry, clothing, documents and contracts, government, promotions, religion, marriage, childbirth, festive celebrations and medicine. Images and expressions of Qing Long are also applied in ancient times in Taoist Nei Dan (内丹), meaning internal alchemy.