Jian Bing Shen Jun (监兵神君), Bai Hu (白虎)泥塑彩绘,身披金甲,手持大刀,脚踩白虎。道教四方七宿星君四象之一。为二十八宿的西方七宿(奎、娄、胃、昴、毕、觜、参),其形象虎,位于西方,属金,色白,总称白虎。
This is a colored clay sculpture, dressed in golden armour, holding a big knife in his hand while stepping on a white tiger. In ancient galaxy systems, it is the Deity for the Western Seven Stars, which included Kui (奎), Lou (娄), Wei (胃), Mao (昴), Bi (毕), Zi (觜) and Shen (参). These seven stars come in a shape of a tiger, has white color, belong to gold within the Five Elements, and are generally known as the White Tiger.
Jian Bing Shen Jun (监兵神君), Bai Hu (白虎)白虎主道路、信息、兵戈、动众、威权、财帛、犬马、金银、宝物等。《太上黄箓斋仪》卷四十四称白虎西斗星君为:“奎宿天将星君,娄宿天狱星君,胃宿天仓星君,昂宿天目星君,毕宿天耳星君,觜宿天屏星君,参宿天水星君。”至于其形象,《道门通教必用集》卷七云:“西方白虎上应觜宿,英英素质,肃肃清音,威慑禽兽,啸动山林,来立吾右。”同时,道教亦将其用于炼丹术语,如《云笈七籖》卷七十二引《古经》四神之丹称:“白虎者,西方庚辛金白金也,得真一之位。”《古经》云:“子若得一万事毕,淑女之异名,五行感化,至精之所致也。其伏不动,故称之为虎也。”
Bai Hu is a deity responsible for roads, information, military, deployment, power, wealth, precious metals and treasure. Like Qing Long, images and expressions of Bai Hu are also applied in ancient internal alchemy.
Jian Bing Shen Jun (监兵神君), Bai Hu (白虎)青龙白虎为四灵中的二灵,据《北极七元紫延秘诀》记载,青龙号为“孟章神君”,白虎号为“监兵神君”,朱雀号为“陵光神君”,玄武号为“执明神君”。青龙、白虎威猛刚严,故常镇守道观的山门护卫坛场。宋朝范致能《岳阳风土记》云:“老子祠有二神像,谓青龙、白虎也。”
Qing Long; Bai Hu; together with Zhu Que (phoenix) (朱雀), Ling Guang Shen Jun (陵光神君); and Xuan Wu (turtle) (玄武), Zhi Ming Shen Jun (执明神君) are named as the Four Holy Beasts of heaven. Since Qing Long and Bai Hu represent strong power and valour, they are also the guardian deities for Taoist temple. Statues for Qing long and Bai Hu are usually located respectively on the left and right at a temple's entrance.