Si Zhi Gong Cao (四值功曹)泥塑彩绘像。道教所信奉的值年、值月、值日、值时四神。主要考察记录人们的功劳,掌管功劳簿、传承公文等。法师登坛行法,拜送表文都会祈请功曹传诚达梱,早登云路。或言四神分别是值年神李丙、值月神黄承乙、值日神周登、值日神刘洪。
Colored clay sculptures, these are the four deities of the year, month, day and hour. Their main responsibilities are to examine and record human credits, keep a merit ledger as well as to transmit information and documents to heaven and hell during Taoist ceremonies. Deity of the Year is Li Bing (李丙), of the month is Huang Cheng Yi (黄承乙), of the Day is Zhou Deng (周登) and of the Hour is Liu Hung (刘洪).