Ling Zu祀二神。一在鹤鸣山迎仙阁,泥塑彩绘;一在道源圣城,景泰蓝像。
There are two statues for worship: one in colored clay, located in the reception of He Ming Mountain; while the other in cloisonné, located in Dao Yuan Sheng Cheng (道源圣城).
Ling Zu道教护法威神,赤面髯须,身披金甲红袍,三目怒视,脚踏风火轮,手举钢鞭,形象极其威严勇猛,令人畏惧。又称玉枢火府天将王灵官,明初封“隆恩真君”列入祀典。主人间天上纠察之职,《神仙传》载王灵官原名王恶,湘阴浮梁之庙神,因其吞噬童男童女,为西河第三十代天师虚靖真人的弟子萨守坚飞符火焚,将王恶烧成火眼金睛。王恶不服,奏告于天庭。玉皇大帝即赐慧眼并金鞭,准其阴随萨真人,察有过错,即可报复前仇。十二年间,王恶以慧眼观察无遗,竟无过错可归咎于萨真人。后至闽中,拜萨真人为师,誓佐行持。萨真人乃以“善”易其名,改王恶为王善,并且奏告天庭,录为雷部三五火车雷公,豁落灵官。灵祖的诞辰为六月二十四日。
Ling Zu is a guardian deity in Tao. He is red-faced with beard, dressed in golden armour with a red robe, has a three-eyed glare, stands on a wind-and-fire wheel and raises a metal whip in his hand. The image of Ling Zu is dignified, bold and powerful. In Ming Dynasty, the worship of Ling Zu was listed as a national celebration and he was honoured as “Long En Zhen Jun” (隆恩真君). This deity is a watchful eye for the heaven and the earth. According to some old literature, Ling Zu’s original name was Wang E, which meant malice; he used to be a deity for a temple but he abused his power by devouring young boys and girls. He was being punished by a Celestial Master called Sa Shou Jian for his malevolence by burning. Wang E appealed to the court in heaven; the Jade Emperor gave him an eye of wisdom and a gold whip to follow his enemy Sa. In case Sa made any mistakes, Wang E was also given the liberty to take revenge. After a lapse of twelve years, Wang E could find no fault with Sa. He ended up acknowledging Sa to be his master and took an oath to follow him. Since then, Sa changed Wang E’s name to be Wang Shan, which meant kindness. He is also recruited as one of the deities for thunder known as “ San Wu Huo Che Lei Gong” (三五火车雷公). Ling Zu’s birthday is on June 24th according to the Chinese calendar.
Wang Ling Guan志心皈命礼