Wen Chang Di Jun (文昌帝君), Zi Tong Jun (梓潼君), Zhang Yu (张育), Zhang Ya Zi (张亚子)祀二像。一在鹤鸣山慈航殿,金丝楠木站像;一在道源圣城文昌殿,蜜黄木雕像,陪祀天聋、地哑。
There are two statues for worship: The one in Ci Hang Temple of He Ming Mountain is made of precious timber called gold phoebe nanmu; while the other in Wen Chang Temple of Dao Yuan Sheng Cheng is made of yellow wood; and the deity is being escorted by Tian Long (天聋) and Di Ya (地哑).
Wen Chang文昌原是天上六星之总称,即文昌宫。一说在北斗魁前,一说在北斗之左。六星各有星名,称上将、次将、贵相、司命、司中、司禄等。文昌封为帝君,并且又称梓潼帝君,当是元仁宗时之事。元仁宗延祐三年封梓潼神为“辅元开化文昌司禄宏仁帝君”,梓潼神与文昌神合为一神。《明史》的《礼志》称:“梓潼帝君,姓张,名亚子,居蜀七曲山,仕晋战殁,人为立庙祀之。”张亚子即蜀人张育,东晋宁康二年自称蜀王,起义抗击前秦苻坚时战死。后人为纪念张育,即于梓潼郡七曲山建祠,尊奉其为雷泽龙王。后张育祠与同山之梓潼神亚子祠合称,张育即传称张亚子。唐玄宗入蜀时,途经七曲山,有感于张亚子英烈,遂追封其为“左丞相”,并重加祭祀。唐僖宗避乱入蜀时,经七曲山又亲祀梓潼神,封张亚子为“济顺王”,并亲解佩剑献神。宋朝帝王多有敕封,如宋真宗封亚子为“英显武烈王”,宋光宗时封为“忠文仁武孝德圣烈王”,宋理宗时封为“神文圣武孝德忠仁王”。元仁宗延祐三年敕封张亚子为“辅元开化文昌司禄宏仁帝君”。于是梓潼神张亚子遂被称为文昌帝君。《文昌帝君阴骘文》称,文昌帝君曾七十三次化身人间,世为士大夫,为官清廉,从未酷民。性烈,同秋霜白日之不可侵犯。“济人之难,救人之急,悯人之孤,容人之过,广行阴骘,上格苍穹。”因此,天帝命文昌帝君掌天曹桂籍文昌之事。凡世间之乡举里选,大比制科,服色禄秩,封赠奏予,乃至二府进退等等,都归文昌帝君管理。文昌帝君的诞辰为二月初三。
Wen Chang, whose original name was Zhang Ya Zi, rebelled against the previous Qin Government (秦) and was killed in Jin Dynasty (晋代). People commemorated his death by building a temple to worship him in Qi Qu Mountain (七曲山) of Sichuan. In Tang Dynasty, Emperor Tang Xuan Zong (唐玄宗) conferred a title equivalent to “prime minister” as “Zuo Cheng Xiang” (左丞相) to Zhang Ya Zi. Another emperor of Tang Dynasty, Tang Xi Zong (唐僖宗), also conferred a title to Zhang as “Ji Shun Wang” (济顺王) and offered his own sword as a solemn tribute. In Song Dynasty, Zhang Ya Zi was conferred more titles by the emperors and eventually he was named as Wen Chang Di Jun (文昌帝君). In ancient literature, Wen Chang Di Jun reincarnated seventy-three times; during his different lives, he always took the role as an honest government official with mercy and generosity. He is a deity of knowledge, literary works and examinations. His birthday is on February 3rd, according to Chinese calendar.
Wen Chang 志心皈命礼