Sixty Yuan Chen 画像悬于慈航殿两壁。
Sixty paintings are hung on the walls within Ci Hang Temple to depict the images of the marshall responsible for each Yuan Chen .
In ancient China, they used a chronological method known as ten terrestrial stems (十天干) and twelve earthly branches (十二地支). The ten stems include Jia (甲), Yi (乙), Bing (丙), Ding (丁), Wu (戊), Ji (己), Geng (庚), Xin (辛), Ren (壬), Gui (癸); while twelve branches are Zi (子), Chou (丑), Yin (寅), Mao (卯), Chen (辰), Si (巳), Wu (午), Wei (未), Shen (申), You (酉), Xu (戌), Hai (亥). The cycle starts with the matching of one stem with one branch in a sequence. For example, the first in order is “Jia Zi” (甲子), the second is “Yi Chou” (乙丑), the third is “Bing Yin” (丙寅) and the last one will be “Kui Hai” (癸亥). In this order, there is a total of sixty unique pairs. In China, this order is named as “Sixty Jia Zi” (六十甲子). In the Zhan Guo Dynasty 战国时代 (453B.C. to 221 B.C.), astrologers had also used different star positions known as Xing Sui, together with “Sixty Jia Zi” in compiling the calendar. Xing is named Sui Xin (岁星) and Sui is named Tai Sui (太岁). It is believed that each Tai Sui represents a unique direction within a year, such as north, wouth, east, west. Therefore, one should respect the harmony of that direction; otherwise, it will bring bad luck. Tai Sui theories were well applied in military and everyday life in ancient china. Tai Sui have watch duties in a specific year that they belong to, they are deities being addressed as Marshalls. Each Tai Sui Marshall has his own name, for example, in the year “Jia Zi”, it is Marshall Jin Bian (金辩大将军); and in the year “Yi Chou”, it is Marshall Chen Cai Da (陈才大将军). When a person becomes sixty years old, he will come across the name of the year exactly the same as his birth year. Tai Sui Deity is responsible all the fortunes and misfortunes that happen in a year; and people worship their own corresponding Tai Sui for blessings.