
Dou Mu Yuan Jun


A bronze statue located in Dou Mu Temple.


Dou Mu Yuan Jun


Dou (斗) refers to the Big Dipper Seven Stars, and Mu (母) means mother. Therefore, Dou Mu refers to the mother of Bei Dou (北斗) Seven stars which include Tan Lang (贪狼), Ju Men (巨门), Lu Cun (禄存), Wen Qu (文曲), Lian Zhen (廉贞), Wu Qu (武曲)and Po Jun (破军). She is granted a number of venerated titles in Taoism. Dou Mu possesses great virtues in healing and is positioned as a doctor of heaven. She wards off darkness and evils; and cures all different sorts of illness. She is born by the different lights in heaven. Being the mother of Bei Dou, she is a stellar divinity and is in charge of the welfare of all beings. For example, she can exercise commands over weather, save people from calamities, bless people with male offspring, enable students with success in examinations, bring forth prosperity, longevity as well as harmony for married couples. It is a deity that converts all the wicked back onto the right track, and turns all evil deeds into dust. In an old literature, it was mentioned that one day while Dou Mu sat in her throne with tranquility, Tao Qi got into her body, she then miraculously created nine golden lotus buds. After a lapse of seven days and nights, the lotus pond radiated heavenly lights and these buds blossomed into nine stars in the sky. In another Taoist script, it was mentioned that Dou Mu used to be a queen named Lady Zi Guang (紫光夫人) and she was a mother of nine sons. The eldest son and the second son were two of the four heavenly gods known respectively as Gou Chen Shang Gong Tian Huang Da Di (勾陈上宫天皇大帝)and Zhong Tian Bei Dou Zi Wei Bei Ji Da Di (中天北斗紫微北极大帝). The rest of the sons were the Big Dipper. Dou Mu’s birthday was on September 9th of the Chinese calendar.


Dou Mu Yuan Jun
