Dou Mu Yuan Jun铜范铸像。
A bronze statue located in Dou Mu Temple.
Dou Mu Yuan Jun“斗”指北斗众星,“姆”即母亲之意,故“斗姆”为北斗众星之母。道教尊为“摩利攴天大圣圆明斗姥天尊”。《太上玄灵斗姆大圣元君本命延生心经》记载:“斗姆尊号曰‘九灵太妙白玉龟台夜光金精祖母元君’;又曰‘中天梵气斗姆元君紫光明哲慈慧太素元后金真圣德天尊’;又化号‘大圆满月光王’;又曰‘东华慈救皇君天医大圣’;应号不一。”“斗姆降以大药垂医治之功,燮理五行升降二炁,解滞去窒,破暗除邪,愆期者应期,失度者得度。安全胎育,治疗病疴,职重天医。生诸天众月之明,为北斗星之母。斗为之魄,水为之精,主生。”“玉池内化现金身,生九苞,放光明,毫光闪闪飞上天庭。左太阳,右太阴,东斗启明星,西斗号长庚,南有箕星注福寿,北斗七元注长生。紫薇主,玉皇尊,二十八宿镇乾坤,十二宫辰安天下,四圣天君把天门,三元三品三官帝,四圣四府四天丁。周天诸斗府,河汉众星真生天生地生万物,保家保国保皇民,百万雷兵常拥护,五千甲将尽随行。”又说:“能阳能雨能变化,救灾救难救刀兵,祠嗣就生麒麟子,祈名金榜就题名;商贾者,利加增,祈求父母得长生,子孙得荣盛,夫妇寿康宁,万邪自皈正,诸恶化为尘。”又曰:“斗姆登于宝座之上,怡养神直,修炼精魄,冲然摄炁,炁入玄玄。运合灵风,紫虚蔚勃,果证玄灵,妙道放无极微妙光明,洞彻华池。化生金莲九苞,经人间七昼夜,其华池中光明愈炽愈盛,其时一上腾九华天中,化成九所大宝楼阁。”据《玉清无上灵宝自然北斗本生真经》记述,斗姆原来是龙汉年间周御王的爱妃,号“紫光夫人”,先后为国王生下了九个儿子。长子是四御之一的勾陈上宫天皇大帝,次子是四御之一的中天北斗紫微北极大帝,其余七子分别为贪狼、巨门、禄存、文曲、廉贞、武曲、破军,即北斗七星。斗姆元君的诞辰为九月初九。
Dou (斗) refers to the Big Dipper Seven Stars, and Mu (母) means mother. Therefore, Dou Mu refers to the mother of Bei Dou (北斗) Seven stars which include Tan Lang (贪狼), Ju Men (巨门), Lu Cun (禄存), Wen Qu (文曲), Lian Zhen (廉贞), Wu Qu (武曲)and Po Jun (破军). She is granted a number of venerated titles in Taoism. Dou Mu possesses great virtues in healing and is positioned as a doctor of heaven. She wards off darkness and evils; and cures all different sorts of illness. She is born by the different lights in heaven. Being the mother of Bei Dou, she is a stellar divinity and is in charge of the welfare of all beings. For example, she can exercise commands over weather, save people from calamities, bless people with male offspring, enable students with success in examinations, bring forth prosperity, longevity as well as harmony for married couples. It is a deity that converts all the wicked back onto the right track, and turns all evil deeds into dust. In an old literature, it was mentioned that one day while Dou Mu sat in her throne with tranquility, Tao Qi got into her body, she then miraculously created nine golden lotus buds. After a lapse of seven days and nights, the lotus pond radiated heavenly lights and these buds blossomed into nine stars in the sky. In another Taoist script, it was mentioned that Dou Mu used to be a queen named Lady Zi Guang (紫光夫人) and she was a mother of nine sons. The eldest son and the second son were two of the four heavenly gods known respectively as Gou Chen Shang Gong Tian Huang Da Di (勾陈上宫天皇大帝)and Zhong Tian Bei Dou Zi Wei Bei Ji Da Di (中天北斗紫微北极大帝). The rest of the sons were the Big Dipper. Dou Mu’s birthday was on September 9th of the Chinese calendar.
Dou Mu Yuan Jun 志心皈命礼