Tai Yang Xin Jun and Tai Yin Xin Jun铜范铸像。
Both are bronze statues.
Tai Yang Xin Jun and Tai Yin Xin Jun全称“日宫天子太阳帝君”和“月府皇后太阴元君”。是道教自然崇拜的人格化,也是道教“天人合一”“三才一体”的神学思想具体体现。道教认为二位星君“运阴阳之正气,昼夜流行;符水火之真精,东西旋度”。故道教祭拜太阳、太阴,实则感二位星君的照临之恩、抚育之德。
Tai Yang Xin Jun is the deity of sun while Tai Yin Xin Jun is the deity of moon. Taoism pays great respect for nature, and the worship of these two deities is an expression of the personification of heavenly wonders. Human are an integral part of nature; and the relationship among Tian (Heaven), Di (Earth) and Ren (Human) are integrated as one existence. Taoism believes that the two deities possess the power of yin and yang, and this power circulates throughout day and night. The worship is therefore a gratitude to the deities for their kindness in looking after all beings at all times.
Tai Yang Xin Jun大罗天上,朱景宫中。尊居十级之高,体干出治;位正三才之上,御德行权。寒肃暑火,平六炁而咸宁万国;旦明宵晦,驾驭六龙而统治十华。司善恶予夺之柄,照临赫奕;定功过显微之际,感应昭彰。号令雷霆,迅除邪崇。大悲大愿,大圣大慈,日宫太阳,郁仪帝君,威光布德,慈辉朱日天尊。
Tai Yin Xin Jun 志心皈命礼。