Fu You Di Jun全真道北五祖之一,也称孚佑帝君。姓吕讳岩,号纯阳子,自称回道人。唐德宗贞元丙子年四月十四日巳时,众见一白鹤,自天而降,飞入其母房中,随即吕祖降生。山西蒲坂县(今山西济县)永乐镇招贤里人。传说唐代咸通三年六十四岁进士及第。后游长安,遇钟离权,经过“十试”,乃授以“大道天遁剑法,龙虎金丹秘文”。百余岁而童颜,步履轻疾,顷刻数百里,世以为神仙。其修行以慈悲度世为成道路径,改丹铅与黄白之术为内功,改剑术为断除贪嗔、爱欲和烦恼的智慧,对北宋道教教理的发展,有一定影响。北宋宣和元年诏封为“妙通真人”。元世祖至元六年,封为“纯阳演正警化真君”。至大三年加封为“纯阳演正警化孚佑帝君”。
(Also known as: Lu Yan (吕岩), Lu Dong Bin (吕洞宾 ),Chun Yang Zi (纯阳子),Hui Yang Zi (回阳子)
Fu You Di Jun’s original name was Lu Yan (吕岩). Legend has it that when he was born (April 14, 798 A.D.), a white crane descended from the sky into his mother’s room. Despite his intelligence, Lu Yan did not have much luck in the Imperial Examinations. By the time his results got into the top three, he was already sixty-four years old. When travelling around Chang An City, he met Zhong Li Quan who tested him with ten difficult temptations and dilemmas. Afterwards, Zhong Li Quan taught him the Tian Dun Swordplay (天遁剑法), and Long Hu Jin Dan Mi Wen(龙虎金丹秘文) – the essence of internal alchemy in achieving immortality. The root of his Taoism cultivation was based on his mercy to help and save others, he also shifted the focus from external alchemy to internal alchemy; and used the sword of wisdom to cut off his greed, his lust and his troubles. He had significant contributions to the development of Taoism in the North Song Dynasty. He was honoured in North Song Dynasty as “Miao Tong Zhen Ren” (妙通真人), later by Emperor Shi Zu of Yuan Dynasty (元世祖) first as “Chun Yang Yan Zheng Jing Hua Zhen Jun” , and later as “Chun Yang Yan Zheng Jing Hua Fu You Di Jun” 。