San Feng Zu Shi神像铜铸贴金,凝神端坐。
A bronze sculpture with gold gilt, in an attentive and upright position.
San Feng Zu Shi三丰先生,姓张,名通,字君实,号玄玄子,别号昆阳。先世为江西龙虎山人,故尝自称为天师,后裔祖父裕贤公,学精星算。南宋末,知天下王气将从北起,遂携本支眷属,徙辽阳懿州。有子名居仁,亦名昌,字子安,号白山,即先生父也。定宗丁未夏,先生母林太夫人,梦元鹤自海天飞来,而诞先生,时四月初九日子时也。丰神奇异,龟形鹤骨,大耳圆睛,五岁目染异疾,积久渐昏。其时有张云庵者,方外异人也,住持碧落宫,自号白云禅老,见先生奇之,曰: “此子仙风道骨,自非凡器,但目遭魔障,须拜贫道,为弟子,了脱尘翳,慧珠再朗,即送还。”太夫人许之,遂投云庵为徒。延祐元年,年六十七始入终南,得遇火龙真人,传以大道,更名玄素,一名玄化,合号玄玄子,别号昆阳。洪武十七年甲子,太祖以华九宾服诏求,先生不赴,十八年又强沈万三敦请,亦不赴。盖帝王自有道,不可以金丹金液,分人主励精图治之思。古来方士酿祸,皆因游仙入朝为之阶,登圣真者决不为。吕祖之后,惟先生一身而已。明英宗天顺三年(西元1459年)封其为“通微显化真人”。明世宗加封为“清虚玄妙真君”。
Zhang San Feng’s ancestors used to live in Jiang Xi province and his grandfather was very good in astrology. As he calculated that the new emperor would be coming from the north, he moved the whole family to Liao Yang during the end of Nan Song dynasty. Master Zhang’s father was a strong intellectual on tactics and strategies, he worked for Emperor Tai Zong in Yuan Dynasty (元太宗). Legend has it that his wife Madam Lin had a dream about a crane flying over from an ocean and then she gave birth to Zhang San Feng. The birth time was April 9th at midnight. This boy had rather unusual looks with very big ears, round eyes, and also a strong and round body who walked like a crane. When he was five, he got an eye disease and his eyesight deteriorated day after day. One day, he was being approached by a Taoist named Bai Yun Chan Lao (白云禅老). He found this boy to be a great talent, only that his eyes were being disturbed by demons. He would like to take this boy back to the Temple and help him recover. The mother agreed, and Zhang San Feng followed his master to the Temple. After six months, his eyes recovered and he started to learn Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism. Since Zhang San Feng had astonishing abilities, he could comprehend all these literatures easily. During the reign of Emperor Shi Zu in the Yuan Dynasty (1215 A.D.-1294 A.D.), he joined the civil service and held office as the Magistrate of Bo Ling County (博陵縣) for a short time. As he was not interested in vanities, he resigned and started to travel. One day while touring around the mountainous regions near present-day Bao Ji (宝鸡), he saw the summits of three mountains and decided to give himself the Taoist name "San Feng Zi" (三丰子). At the age of sixty-seven, Master Zhang went to Zhong Nan Mountain and came to meet Huo Long Zhen Ren (火龙真人). After years of cultivation, he finally became an Immortal at Wu Dang Mountain (武当山).
In 1384, Emperor Tai Zu of Ming Dynasty sent orders to summon Zhang San Feng (张三丰) thrice to imperial court, but Zhang refused. He then demanded Shen Wan San (沈万三) and Qiu Xuan Qing (邱玄清), who were two of the most influential pillars of the community, to personally invite Zhang for a meeting. Zhang again refused. In 1391, Tai Zu sent the Taoist high priest, Celestial Master Zhang Yu Chu (张宇初真人), to visit Zhang again. Still he declined. Throughout the years, Zhang San Feng’s whereabouts were unknown, and he gave his visitors the runaround.
When Emperor Cheng Zu of Ming Dynasty (明成祖) came to power, he knew that Master Zhang San Feng was an incomparable talent and wanted to recruit him. He sent out his chief officers in charge of public relations and human resources to search for Zhang in 1406. Despite years of searching, their effort was in vain. Later, an officer named Hu Ying (胡滢) heard that the Master was living in seclusion in Tian Gu Cave (天谷洞) located in He Ming Mountain. So, he went there to try his luck. Unfortunately, as Master Zhang was no longer interested in worldly matters, he continued to hide away from visitors. Hu Ying persisted and stayed on the mountain until he passed away at the age of eighty-nine; his gravestone is still there on He Ming Mountain. Hu’s death further reinforced the Emperor’s wish to see Master Zhang. In the spring of 1417, the Emperor sent Taoist Wu Bai Li (吴伯理) of Long Hu Mountain (龙虎山) an imperial decree ordering him to go visit Tian Gu Cave to seek out Zhang. This time, Taoist Wu organized solemn Taoist ceremonies and prayed to the deity of the mountain, hoping that he would have a chance to meet Master Zhang. In the autumn of 1420, Wu chose a nice place behind Yan Xiang Temple (延祥阁) and constructed a reception hall known as Jie Ge (杰阁) for the Master.
According to legend, Wu’s prayers touched the Master, who descended to meet him. However, when Wu begged him to go to Beijing to see the Emperor, Master Zhang refused and vanished into the cave again. The words he left for Wu were that “An emperor needed to be hardworking and love his people, for an emperor of peace would bring blessings to his country”. He avoided the Emperor and other influential people, for a country’s rulers should always had their focus on the country and the people.
According to the Taoist Collection, it was mentioned that Zhang San Feng had practised in the Tian Gu Cave of He Ming Mountain and written “San Feng You Ci” (三丰游此) on the stone wall of the cave, meaning San Feng had been there
In 1459 A.D., Emperor Ying Zong of Ming Dynasty honoured the master as “Tong Wei Xian Hua Zhen Ren” (通微显化真人), and later Emperor Shi Zong changed his title to “Qing Xu Xuan Miao Zhen Jun” (清虚玄妙真君).
San Feng Zu Shi(汪锡龄《道藏辑要·三丰先生本传》)(注:明洪武年间,三丰祖师慕其祖道陵得道之所,来大邑县鹤鸣山,入天谷洞修炼,书“三丰游此”四字于石壁。至洪武末,又先后来此两次。