Sun Zhen Ren像在吕祖殿,樟木雕像。
The statue is made of camphor wood, located in Lu Zu Temple.
Sun Zhen Ren药王孙思邈(581-682年),唐代高道,著名医药学家,华原(今陕西耀县)人。他博通百家之学,尤好老庄,兼通历典。先隐居太白山,后长期隐居终南山,不务虚名,志在山林,修道行医,得成正果。且著述颇丰。其《千金要方》《千金翼方》《枕中方》,以及《存神养气铭》等,至今在医药学和道教学方面广泛适用。北宋崇宁二年(1103年)追封“妙应真人”。药王诞辰为四月二十八。
Sun Zhen Ren was a famous doctor and pharmacologist in Tang Dynasty. He was versatile and learned in different schools of thought at that time; and he believed in Taoism advocated by Lao Zi (老子)and Zhuang Zi (庄子). He used to retreat in Tai Bai Mountain and Zhong Nan Mountain, for he was not interested in fame and vanities. His goal was to be a genuine Taoist and to benefit mankind through good medical healing. He was a prolific writer and had written a large volume of books, some of which are still in use today. Emperor Hui Zong of Song Dynasty honoured him with a title as “Miao Ying Zhen Ren” (妙应真人). He is being worshipped as a deity of medicine and his birthday is on April 28th of the Chinese calendar.