
Fu Ji Di Jun


(Also known as : Zhong Fu (中孚), Yun Qing (允卿), De Wei (德威), Shi Xiong (世雄), Zhe (喆), Zhi Ming (知明), Chong Yang Zi (重阳子))
Being the fifth of the Northern Five Masters, Wang Chong Yang founded he Quan Zhen Order of Taoism. He was born in a rich family in Shan Xi Province during the reign of Emperor Hui Zong of the Song Dynasty (宋徽宗) on December 22, 1112. He used to sit for the Imperial Examinations during the Qi Period (伪齐) but failed. Later, during the reign of Jin Xi Zong (金熙宗), he sit in the examination again and his results came out top on martial arts. When he was forty-seven, he suddenly realized that he no longer wanted to work for the government. He resigned, left his family and started his exploration journey. In Zhong Nan Mountain (终南山), he met his two masters Zhong Li Quan and Lu Zu and came to learn about the formula for practicing internal alchemy. Next year, when he met these masters again, he learnt about the subject in depth. He also started to integrate Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism into one mingled stream. Since then, he advocated the practice of Qi (气), neglected the practice of external alchemy, and set up formal systems for Taoists to become priests in the temple. During the reign of Emperor Jin Shi Zong (金世宗), he founded several associations between 1169 AD – 1170 AD such as “San Jiao Qi Bao Hui” (三教七宝会), “San Jiao Jin Lian Hui” (三教金莲会), “San Jiao San Guang Hui” (三教三光会), “San Jiao Yu Hua Hui” (三教玉华会), and “San Jiao Ping Deng Hui” (三教平等会), all for the purpose of unifying the above three schools of thought.
He was being honoured by Emperor Yuan Shi Zu (元世宗) as “Quan Zhen Kai Hua Zhen Jun” (全真开化真君). Later, Emperor Yuan Wu Zong further conferred him with the title as “Chong Yang Quan Zhen Kai Hua Fu Ji Di Jun” (重阳全真开化辅极帝君). His important writings included Chong Yang Quan Zhen Ji (重阳全真集), Chong Yang Jiao Hua Ji (重阳教化集) and Li Jiao Shi Wu Lun (立教十五论). His famous disciples were Ma Dan Yang (马丹阳), Tan Chu Duan (潭处端), Liu Chu Xuan (刘处玄), Qiu Chu Ji (丘处机), Wang Chu Yi (王处一), Hao Da Tong (郝大通) and Sun Bu Er (孙不二), they were later named as the Seven Disciples of Quan Zhen, the Bei Qi Zhen (北七真). These followers later came to found their own sects, respectively named as Yu Xian (遇仙), Nan Wu (南无), Sui Shan (随山), Long Men (龙门), Yu Shan (嵛山), Hua Shan (华山)and Qing Jing (清静). They all had significant contributions to the development of Quan Zhen and also laid some important milestones to the history of Taoism in China.

